Development Page
All future developments of the website that are still ideas to be logged here for follow-up purposes.
Simon Mjutonza
//The above form to be added to the plan @ £2.99/month when site is premium.
On Commissioning of the site
On commisioning of this site all images are to be resized to 600x420 (belo 800kb) in order to increase website upload speed.
//On commissioning all images to be given Google approved names.
//try Magic Form Builder
//Allow customers to contact you using WhatsApp (Whatsapp - Contact Us)
//Build active communities around your site (Wix Groups)
//try Magic Form Builder
//Allow customers to contact you using WhatsApp (Whatsapp - Contact Us)
//Build active communities around your site (Wix Groups)
//complte the configuration of the Job Application Data Set when the site is premium and connected to the domain
//test the forms plugin using the Magic Form Builder
Testing of elements for Domain fetching
Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction.
Double click to edit and add your own text.